Dolphin Joy: A Tribute to Sandra. A quadriplegic for 24 yrs, Sandra Bray Wilson swims with a dolphin

In Memory of Sandra Bray Wilson Aug 13, 1963 – Oct 6, 2010 Sandra Bray Wilson loved dolphins and for many years wanted to swim with them. She had plans to visit the Florida Keys but was severely injured in a car accident in 1984. She lived the remainder of her life as a quadriplegic, always prayerful that scientists or doctors would find a way for her to walk again. This video shows how Penn Clarke and the staff at Dolphin Research Center made her dream come true In July 2010. Sadly, just a few months later, Sandra passed away. Film credit to Sharron Bray Reeves (Sandra’s sister) and Dolphin Research Center in Marathon, Florida.

More details found in the book Dolphins & Penn: Tacking Through Life by Penn Clarke